Most Effective Home Workout with Maxburn Fit-8 Back to Back- Live & Interactive
Fit-8 employs the Maxburn Code:
•Strength • Stamina •Stretch •Burn
to help you achieve your fitness goals.
What are the key features of Fit-8 Back to Back?
1. Train from anywhere. Literally.
2. 8 slots all day long.
3. All sessions run live and interactive
4. Get training tips and guidance from trainers.
5. Full access to all slots with one single membership.
6. Pocket-friendly and fun
Flexible working hours, kids to prepare for school, chores to do, getting bored soon, unable to train alone, not sure how to train.
Yep. We have heard it all.
And the worst one ever? “I will start tomorrow.” Here is an ode to the tomorrow that never comes: Dear tomorrow, go take a hike!
With fit8, you can login from anywhere and into any of the eight slots. That means time is no longer a constraint. You can login from your drawing room, community hall, office recreation room apartment corridor or just about anywhere. As long as you’ve got internet, Fit-8 is all yours. Maxburn Athlete Simran Rangwani says, ” I am able to train consistently, that too at the comfort of my home with no equipment. It’s perfect.”
In your busy schedule, getting exercise in is very important and daily at that. With fit- 8 you can log in at 7:00 a.m. today, 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, 5:30 p.m. on the day after or even 10:00 a.m. on the day after that. Maxburn Athlete Manisha says, ” The best part of Fit-8 is I can join a workout as per my schedule.”
It will never cease to be convenient – Aapka hukum aur aapka workout session haazir!
You don’t have to worry about whether you are training right. This schedule is all planned up to give you the results you work for, with a balance of strength, stamina, stretch and burn. The best part? All the sessions in Fit-8 Back to Back are live and interactive. So your trainer supervises you to ensure good posture and (Ahem!) ensures that you actually do the complete set without cutting down on the reps. Our team of trainers from all around India are also rearing to give you tips and fitness gyaan when you need it.
You don’t need pre-booking and you don’t need to stick to any particular slot. All 8 slots are at your service! All this awesomeness is packed into one membership that will not put a dent in your pocket. It’s worth just Rs.499 per month!
Yup. It doesn’t get any better. Now that you have scrollled down so far, what next? We best suggest that you enroll and put on your shoes right away!
Call: 9108383925 and get started on your super solid fitness journey with Maxburn Fitness Studio now.